Whether you are an app reviewer, excited space hero or parent, we would love to hear what your thoughts on Space Heroes Universe or Bubble Gum Interactive are in the form a Guest Post! Little Space Cheats is home to a large Space Heroes Community... so it's the best way to get heard! A link to your website or contact, such as twitter will be included in your guest post.
Suggested topics for Guest posts are... Space Heroes Universe Reviews. Jetpack Jinx Reviews, and interesting things about Space Heroes Universe or Bubble Gum Interactive that are not already posted on this blog. We do not accept Guest Posts about the latest news in Space Heroes Universe.
All posts must have a minimum word count of 250 words.
Interested? Send your topic idea, word count estimate and a small "About me" to "puremana@gmail.com" to find out whether or not it will be accepted. If so, begin writing and email your finished draft back to "puremana@gmail.com" and wait for it to be posted!