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Brief History behind Space Heroes Universe

Hey there, Lillia here!
If you've ever wondered where 'Space Heroes Universe' started, it all came from an idea for a comic book about heroes fighting a dasterdly villain (who in this case, would be Shadowbot!!). A couple people formed BubbleGum Interactive, AKA the masterminds behind SHU :D They're all about creating an awesome online gaming experience for kids all around the world! I guess you heroes have been shown that first-hand through the awesome virtual game, Space Heroes Universe!

Since the incredible success of SHU, Bubblegum Interactive have been working on even MORE awesome games for us to explore, such as Jetpack Jinx, and Cake Bake Blitz!

In addition to all this, BubbleGum Interactive has been featured in the 'AusIndustry R&D Showcase', which is a program that helps business' to grow and become as successful as possible! They were featured as 'Conquering Gaming Around the Globe'. I think this is an amazing achievement for the team :D check it out for yourselves! I think this deserves an intergalactic high-five, what do you guys think? XD

If you wanna know MORE about BubbleGum Interactive and this awesome achievement, click HERE :)
Thanks for reading heroes! PEACE OUT! ~Lillia


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