Little Space Cheats | Promo Codes | Glitches | Updates: Secret Agent Party!

Secret Agent Party!

The Secret Agent party has hit! There has been a huge amount of build up to this party, and a lot of standards set... I'm happy to say that I think this party delivered exactly what was expected of it!
Log on to recieve the sweet new Secret Agent Party badge
After that there's no time to waste, Ace needs your help!

Suit up and get equipped by purchasing one of the new oufits in the hero mart!

Now find and collect the 20 slime bombs by walking around the homeworld!
Once you collect all 20, you'll recieve a bunch of gems and coins.
Now go to Sparky's Starjets and celebrate with a zoom around the galaxy in your new ride!
What do you think of this party?! Tell me by leaving a comment!


Sorry about the late post, this post was in draft for quite a while since I was having some problems with my comptuer, but I'll be active from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey lol my laptop was also problem cause it has virus that time then I was suspended cause this hero Amy she said im ninkongpoop by she said it as min kong pop then I said that shes dumdum thats why shes the one to be suspended not me

    Note: Click my name to go to my site
