Little Space Cheats | Promo Codes | Glitches | Updates: Justice's 11th Birthday... PARTY!

Justice's 11th Birthday... PARTY!

    WHAT'S UP PARTY HEROES! :D Justice Girl here!
I'm here to say that yes, it's almost my birthday (AGAIN)! I have been thinking of hosting another party to celebrate - just like last year! :D This is your chance if you didn't attend last year's successful party which has also been recorded and posted on YouTube which you can see HERE.
I want this party to be a fun loving time when heroes can meet and greet while they have fun. :)
SO Here are the all-you-need-to-know party information:

LOL I know this is a LOT of text :P 

To ALL heroes who CAN'T come, don't worry! There will be more parties like this that'll hit SHU very soon! You never know what's gonna happen :P
In addition, I might also record a video of this (depends on if I ever learn how to make one before this party because I never made a YouTube video before xD) The birthday party will probably last for about 45 minutes.
Anyways heroes, I hope you can all come! NOTE: Please tell me where you live (country) so I can help calculate the time this party starts for you. We all live in different places!

Here are SOME times I converted:

Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts) Saturday, August 9, 2014 at 8:00 PM

Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 10:00 AM

Angeles (Philippines) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM

Auckland (New Zealand) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

Dubai (United Arab Emirates - Dubai) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 4:00 AM

London (United Kingdom - England) Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 1:00 AM

Asuncion (Paraguay) Saturday, August 9, 2014 at 8:00 PM

New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, August 9, 2014 at 8:00 PM

Thanks for reading space heroes! Hope you can all come to party and STAY AWESOME! :D


  1. Well, many heroes are from Australia.
    Can you calculate the time for Australia?

    1. Good idea Noah ;) It's a good idea because I'm from Australia XD

  2. Just added some times :D Hope you and Lol can make it!

  3. What I mean by 'server with MOST heroes' is just the first server!

    1. Hi justice cant go to your party, cause when your party starts it could be already late at mine. So sorry Im gonna miss all your cheers and fun. P.S. HAPPY BDAY!

      1 more thing this will surprise ya

    2. Noooo! :( I'm sorry to hear that... But I'm happy you told me! -Gives Goodie Bag and Pie- :) And What is that?! :P

    3. :O ITS A ITS AAAAA!! *Faints* ITS A TEDDY BEAR MADE OF DOLLAR SYMBOLS! 0_O That's kinda random but WOW Sally! xD

  4. :c Idk if I can come at 8pm. I might be sleeping or getting ready for bed. Cause I have to sleep early, going to someones house everyday now :(

  5. BTW Jg I can tell you how to make a video.
    1. download a recorder that gives you unlimited time.
    2. when you're going to record, get it and click the start button but first make sure the recorder fits the perimeter and area you want.
    3. Start recording.
    4. When your done click "done"

    1. download windows movie maker
    2. upload the video you saved into your computer onto it.
    3. look for a time editing thing.
    4. choose the speed you want.

    Hope dis helps

    1. It REALLY did sis :D Thanks and I hope to see you there!

    2. NP. And I dont think I can make it :<

  6. OMG YA I CAN MAKE IT!! HELL TO THE YES (sorry for the swear)

  7. Minecraft-iBallistiicSquidAugust 3, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    I want to come to your birthday but we are going to church.

    -Master Roshan or Dragon Knight in SHU

    Another thing tell me if there's a give away membership My Facebook Timothy Kenneth Dantic

    I can't buy membership cause i can't find any shops have it.

    Kamusta kayo ! At salamat po!

  8. I'll definitely try to make it Justice Girl. :-)

  9. I'm DEF coming :D Justice already calculated the time for me (Australia) on her blog. I'm SO excited xD

  10. I swear I was the only person in new york that came to your party
