Little Space Cheats | Promo Codes | Glitches | Updates: Galactic Sports Party is here!

Galactic Sports Party is here!

The Galactic Sports Party has just hit Space Heroes Universe.
Here are the updates that came with it!

The homepage has updated, just as I leaked yesterday. Check it out!

When you login, you will receive this sweet new Galactic Sports Day Badge!

Looks like an awesome badge right?!
Well that's just the beginning. Walk the planet and view the decorated Homeworld!

There's no doubt a party is in town!
I can't wait to have some fun with the race track in The Plaza!

Go to the Hero Mart to see the new costumes...

If you're not a Premium Member, these are what the boys costumes look like in the inventory.

Wondering what to do with these awesome outfits?
Design your homepad with the new sports decorations!

Last but not least is the Ball hunting activity!
When you log in Zed wants you to find the missing Sports Balls!

Hunt around The Plaza and The Coast to get all 20.
Here's what you get when you reach the 20 milestone!

This Sports party is awesome!
 I might host some races or parties depending on what you guys want, sound good?

What is your favourite feature?
