Little Space Cheats | Promo Codes | Glitches | Updates: Space Heroes Universe Poster

Space Heroes Universe Poster

I don't like posting anything other than Space Heroes news, but I felt that this would be quite cool to share. Since Space Heroes Universe doesn't sell posters (Only wall stickers which are quite different) I decided that  I would print off my own! (From a shop of course!)

What you are looking at is a A1 sized Space Heroes Universe poster in my room!
(Sorry if the quality isn't that good, couldn't find my decent camera)

I wanted a poster of Space Heroes to show my dedication to the game.
I'm not going to have any giveaways with them (at the moment) as this poster cost me quite a lot, and then I would need to send it to wherever you are living, so sorry!

What do you think of this poster? Would you want one?



  1. Umm it's reminding me about episode 2.... so when is the next SHU Cartoon Episode 2 coming?

    1. I'm not sure sorry Sally! I'll talk to a mod about it today.

    2. You got to meet me at SHU cause I see people doing so much Glitches that first a hacker named Kelly with a bug pad that has a kritterz poster in the floor then with the blue comfy chair under the sofa then with flying carpet and plants in the upper roof then the second I see a hero that can throw the ball in the sky that I just met in a hero pad and third another hacker named Fuck you $ is level 592 then no eyes no face no hands then in a vampire costume. So i'm so worried I want the 2 hackers Kelly and Fuck you $ be banned by the mods foreva but its not the fuck you word that im not saying fuck you to you its the hackers name is fuck you

  2. the 2nd glitch person is not a hacker only the first and third glitch
